Balham Dental Studio
02 August 2023


What is Hypomineralisation? Hypomineralisation is a dental condition that affects the outer layer (enamel) of a child's teeth giving them a 'chalky' appearance. 1 in 7 children are affected and...

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Happy Valentine’s Day from Balham Denal Studio
Balham Dental Studio
10 February 2023

Happy Valentine’s Day from Balham...

Happy Valentine's Day from Balham Denal Studio Happy Valentine's Day! from the team at Balham Dental Studio, This time of year is all about celebrating love and showing others how...

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Environmentally Friendly New Years Resolution So Far
Balham Dental Studio
24 January 2023

Environmentally Friendly New Years Resolution...

Eco-friendly New Year's Resolution 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZLVCxgQ1s0&t=1s As we are coming close to the end of January already in 2023, lets have a look at how our New Year's resolution is...

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Specialists at Balham Dental Studio
Balham Dental Studio
21 December 2022

Specialists at Balham Dental Studio

[av_one_full first min_height='' vertical_alignment='av-align-top' space='' row_boxshadow='' row_boxshadow_color='' row_boxshadow_width='10' custom_margin='' margin='0px' mobile_breaking='' mobile_column_order='' min_col_height='' padding='' svg_div_top='' svg_div_top_color='#333333' svg_div_top_width='100' svg_div_top_height='50' svg_div_top_max_height='none' svg_div_top_flip='' svg_div_top_invert='' svg_div_top_front='' svg_div_top_opacity='' svg_div_top_preview='' svg_div_bottom='' svg_div_bottom_color='#333333' svg_div_bottom_width='100' svg_div_bottom_height='50' svg_div_bottom_max_height='none' svg_div_bottom_flip=''...

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Balham Dental Studio
22 September 2022


Open late evenings - Appointments now available By Popular demand Balham Dental Studio is now open on Monday and Wednesday evenings until 7pm. We are not all fortunate enough to...

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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Balham Dental Studio
19 September 2022

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Monday 19th September Balham Dental Studio State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II We offer our deepest condolences to the Royal Family at this time

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Introduce your Friends and Family 10% discount
Balham Dental Studio
16 September 2022

Introduce your Friends and Family...

Friends & Family 10% Discount When referred by any existing patient your friend or family member will benefit from 10% off any treatment they need until mid October. Even if...

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Free tooth whitening for new Invisalign Patients
Balham Dental Studio
16 September 2022

Free tooth whitening for new...

FREE TOOTH WHITENING For any patients starting their Invisalign journey with us here at Balham Dental Studio from now until mid October 2022 Book your consultation today to avoid missing...

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Saturday Appointments Now Available!
Balham Dental Studio
14 June 2022

Saturday Appointments Now Available!

Balham Dental Studio is Now Open on Saturday by Popular Demand! Our family of Patients in Balham have requested their local dentist to open on weekends, we have heard and...

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Contact Sport & Dental Trauma
Balham Dental Studio
14 June 2022

Contact Sport & Dental Trauma

When participating in any sporting activity, it is critical to analyse the hazards.To avoid dental injuries, every athlete participating in contact sports should consider using a mouth guard.Some sports obviously...

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